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Anna Lowder

Aspiring Artist

Hello! Before you explore, get to know me! My name is Anna Lowder. I am 21 years old and from a small town called Coldwater, Michigan. If I were to choose five words to describe myself for your better understanding of me, they would be patient, accepting, altruistic, kind, and hardworking. Granting happiness to others is one of my greatest desires. I am always making sure that everyone is included in any circumstance. I see the good in every single individual. Any and all face challenges in their lives so treating those with kindness and acceptance is the best thing anyone can do for others. I'm currently attending Grand Valley State University as a Studio Art major with an emphasis in Illustration and Advertising minor. Right now I am a student but in a year, I will be a graduate and out in the world. I want to face the world head on. My career goal is to become a freelance artist or to work for Hallmark illustrating greeting cards. Giving out homemade cards is my way of spreading joy to others. 

My personal mission statement is to teach acceptance and respect for all. Our world is filled with so much hate, and the hate grows more and more everyday. We are divided by ideals and refuse to respect everyone’s opinions. I hope to show what it’s like to be united and what it feels to be respected. To go out into the world without being judged or afraid. It’ll take generations to mend society, but let us be the start of it. Say a compliment to the person behind you in the grocery store, or hold the door for someone. Little by little, our society will stitch itself back together.

I currently write to you as a student who barely understands what it means to be out in the world, but I wish to be more than that. I want to be a fighter for what’s right, an entrepreneur, and an achiever. I want to be able to tell my grandkids that I helped save our planet from global warming, or spread kindness to so many through my art. I don’t want to be the average person who gets up every morning, goes to work, watches the news, and sleeps. I want to be more and I know every one of you reading this right now feels the same. We only have so much time on this Earth so why waste our lives away?

Go out and experience new cultures, careers, or hobbies. Find the career that you want and not what your parents want you to do or what society thinks you should do. Find yourselves. Discover your strengths and weaknesses and challenge yourself. I pulled myself out of my shell. It was hard, of course, but it was the greatest choice that I had ever made. I found my true passion for being a leader and independence. It made me realize that I could do anything and even be anything that I want to be. When I decided that I wanted to be an artist, I got some backlash. My family and friends questioned me about money, and whether or not I would be better off as a nurse. I shook them off and followed what my heart was telling me. I didn’t want to have a life that everyone else was going for. Yes, I will have some challenges, but there’s beauty in that. Once you have fallen, there’s only one direction you can take and that is up. 



Thank you for taking the time to visit my page and I hope you find some inspiration.

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